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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

College Football Cupcakes

My mom sent me an email yesterday about these College Football Cupcakes from Southern Living. They are so cute and sound so yummy. If only my oven liked me enough to cook cupcakes!! Here are a few of them from Southern Living's website. Hope y'all enjoy them!!!
Arkansas: The Truly Amazing Maple-Bacon

LSU: The Mean Mocha Latte

Ole Miss: The Italian Cream Dream
So Mike informed me this passed weekend that we are going to be hosting a Saints party on the 16th of this month, like in two weeks-ish! AAHHH!!! Anyway I had an idea that maybe I could try and bake a Saints themes cupcake. What do y'all think? What kind of cupcakes come to mind when you think of the New Orleans Saints? Help a girl out with some ideas and recipes (recipes would be GREATLY appreciated).

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