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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Caddo Lake Weekend

For Mike's birthday I was trying to do something very special for him. I first tried looking into getting Saints football tickets and we would spend that weekend in New Orleans, but football tickets are expensive. I mean they weren't even winning games when I looked and tickets way up at the top were still in the $120-200 range. That's crazy!!! So then I had to change my plan since Saints tickets don't just fall out of the sky, and a weekend in New Orleans itself isn't cheap.
Caddo Lake view from the Camp
I came up with this oh so awesome idea of spending a weekend at my Nanny's camp and I would get his best bud to come too. It was an awesome birthday idea, if I do say so myself. {I guess I just did lol} We brought our little aluminum boat up with us and the plan was that the boys would go out and fish and the girls would just relax on dry land.

 Well the second part worked out fine, but the boat's motor didn't want to start. The boys had fun anyway paddling themselves out and fishing some. Did I mention it was in the 40s aka cold as can be?! Needless to say, the fish were not there or even biting {boys swear they got two bites} but I think they still had a pretty fun time on the lake.

 A bonus find this weekend was my cousins Nintendo64. Yes we did spend some of the evening/night playing Mario Kart and Zelda.

 I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I haven't even finished my grocery shopping yet. What are y'all doing tomorrow? I have to bake a pie and a cake for my family's luncheon. Wish me luck that my oven works!!

**Link-Up with Ramdom Wednesday

1 comment:

  1. So sweet of you to plan this...sorry about the motor!! I would have frozen!! LOL!! And I want to go to a Texan football game so badly!!! But the ticket prices are OUTRAGEOUS!!! Thanks for linking up!
