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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Southern Bloogers

Hey y'all! I just stumbled over a giant list of southern bloggers! I'm so pumped over my little discovery this morning. A big thanks goes out to Rebecca over at xoxo Rebecca for coming up with this whole list.

 Here is the image of Rebecca's button {located on my sidebar} that takes you directly to the list:


Let me just say it one more time, I love this idea!!! I'm even on it {#304}. I can't wait to go through the list and discover some new blogs to follow. 

So go on over and check out the list. Let me know if you're already on it or if you just added yourself to it. I love making new blog friends!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lowe's & Lost Ring

So I don't know if it is just us and our inability to remember everything we need, but I feel like I almost live at Lowe's. We have gone so many times in the past two weeks that I feel like they are going to remember who we are, and start judging us after our third trip to the store in one day. Uhhh! The other day I was going to the grocery store and I went on auto pilot or something because before I knew it, I was at Lowe's!!!

Here is a picture of our first trip to Lowe's that day.

The makings of a mailbox {because someone took the other one}, potting soil, and a few pots to transplant our herbs from the apartment to the house. At the apartment the Hubby had use cinder blocks as pots, but I said it wouldn't go with our new house.

Anyway, the installation of the mailbox post was going along smoothly once the Hubby found the original post's hole by the driveway. Everything was great, we put the cement in the hole and we leveled the post before it all dried. The Hubby went to wash off all the mud from his hands on the side of our house, and realized his ring was gone. Oh my heart sank when he told me that!! So we spent the rest of that day not installing the mailbox part to the post, but looking for his ring. Poor thing thought it had to be where he was washing his hands {and not in the cement foundation of the mailbox post} which just so happened to be next to a rather large ant mound, which i have been trying to kill for days.

Needless to say we didn't find it. I have decided that he made sacrifice to the house and everything else will go smoothly. {Fingers Crossed!}

Do any of you have any crazy stories from when you moved into your house?

**Link-Up with #YOLOmondays

Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Friday & Call Me Maybe Video

First off, yeah for internet at the house!!!! Here are some pictures of use after we signed the papers for the house.

Pictures of the house will follow soon.

And now here's a video that made me giggle. Thank You YouTube!!!

BTW I don't really care that this video is a few months old, it's still frickin' funny! So Happy Friday!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Homeowners At Last!!

Just to bring y'all up to speed, since it is already Wednesday, we signed the papers Friday afternoon!! Right after we signed, I went straight to our house {I LOVE saying that} and went to town trying to clean as much as possible before we moved Saturday.

Let me just say that Saturday aka Moving Day drove me C-R-A-Z-Y with everybody asking me where everything went. I had no idea where somethings were going to go, and to be completely honest I still have no idea where something are going. Oh well.

Now for something serious, we don't have internet at our house yet. I'm hoping to have them come out Friday and hook a girl up with some internet and cable, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen. So my posts might be a little sparser for the moment, but don't worry because I have loads of things to tell/show y'all.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

House is a GO!

We just got the appraiser's report this weekend, and everything that he said needed to get fixed was fixed. Last week was the longest week of waiting ever! I spent days wondering when they would turn the water back on {ended up being late Thursday afternoon} and when the appraiser would be able to go back out to the house to check everything {sometime on Friday}.

So with all of that settled, we close this Friday!!! We have commenced the long ordeal of packing up everything we own, which for some reason I seem to have more stuff than the Hubby. I have no idea how that happened! ;)

We have really no food left in our fridge for this week. Last week I pretty much made dinners out of whatever was left in our freezer. The house doesn't have a fridge in it at the moment. Hopefully we can have one delivered this weekend! I refused to go shopping for more groceries, because I have this fear we will be living out of ice chests. Plus this way I don't have to deal with cleaning dishes!!! I'll keep y'all posted on how everything goes this week.